Bibliografia nazionale italiana
Ministero della Cultura

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Scheda classi

Serie: Tesi di dottorato

Fascicolo: Gennaio-Dicembre 2013

Dal concetto di efficacia al concetto di valutazione2013-116T
Dal Diario inedito di Giovanni Faldella, 1886-18992013-1746T
Dal greco antico al greco moderno2013-374T
Dall’ energetica al trasporto2013-1182T
Dalla Brescia cattolica alla Curia romana di Pio 11.2013-97T
Dalla parola all’azione2013-1710T
Dalla storia delle istituzioni al corporativismo2013-173T
Dalla tradizione all’innovazione2013-1665T
Dalle strategie alle ecologie2013-1573T
Dall’uomo al tempo2013-373T
Danno e responsabilità da informazione a mercato finanziario2013-254T
Danno ed offesa degli abusi di mercato2013-275T
Data envelopment analysis2013-181T
Data mining models for student databases2013-11T
Data mining of biomedical databases2013-735T
Dealing with the past2013-213T
Decentralized and hierarchical model predictive control of networked systems2013-1476T
Decodifica congiunta sorgente-canale per reti di sensori wireless con feedback2013-1337T
A decoupled conjugate heat transfer procedure involving flow network approach2013-1140T
Definition and analysis of Homeland security systems based on software defined passive radars2013-1338T
La definizione di conflitto armato nel diritto internazionale umanitario2013-233T
Degradation of dissipative characteristics of friction pendulum isolators duo to thermal effects2013-1416T
Delay-aware link scheduling and routing in wireless mesh networks2013-1214T
Democrazie in primo piano2013-131T
Denitrification activity and denitrifying population dynamic in the soil of a wooded riparian strip2013-654T
Dentro il Mediterraneo2013-244T
Depositional history of the Siena basin2013-556T
Il deposito2013-225T
Derechos culturales y delitos culturales a la luz de los principios constitucionales2013-276T
Derivati dell’olivo nei prodotti cosmetici2013-826T
Descartes e il teatro della modernità2013-88T
Design and analysis of interior permanent magnet synchronous machines for electric vehicles2013-1227T
Design and characterization of antennas for wireless communications systems2013-1264T
Design and characterization of GaN-based Doherty power amplifiers for wireless applications2013-1275T
Design and development of algorithms and web-based applications for the tracking of vascular structures and for the assessment of clinical parameters in retinal images2013-728T
Design and management of workstations2013-1175T
Design and realization of a finger exoskeleton for astronauts extravehicular activity (EVA) glove2013-1383T
Design and validation of the force feedback and control loop for a neurosurgical teleoperation system2013-734T
Design & development of planar solid oxide fuel cell stack2013-1183T
Design didattico di un personal hybrid intelligent learning environment basato su un modello di instructional design multidimensionale2013-335T
Design for Six sigma2013-1567T
Design, implementation and evaluation of a methodology for utilizing sources of evidence in relevance feedback2013-1203T
Design of an experimental procedure and set up for the detection of ice segregation phenomena in rock by acoustic emission2013-1421T
Design of front-end circuits for ultra low power RF energy harvesting applications2013-1293T
Design of innovative optical sources in the infrared range2013-1269T
Design of RF systems at HF and VHF for communications, radar and biomedical applications2013-1271T
Design sistemico e territorio2013-710T
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel and selective inhibitors of enzymes of the endocannabinoid system2013-817T
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of small molecules able to inhibit HIV -1 integrase2013-807T
Designing innovative electronic systems to face the challenges of feasibility and performance in sensing and control applications2013-1278T
Determinanti molecolari di resistenza e di risposta al trattamento con bevacizumab e trastuzumab nelle pazienti con diagnosi di neoplasia mammaria metastatica2013-1059T
Determinazione di marcatori di fosfolipidosi e di cardiotossicità2013-1551T
Deterministic and stochastic models for systems biology2013-1478T
Development and application of ¹³C direct detection NMR methodologies to study intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs)2013-532T
Development and application of new strategies for genome scaffolding and gene prediction applied to NGS data2013-617T
Development and application of nonequilibrium simulation methods for free energy calculations2013-501T
Development and optimization of nanocarriers for delivery of natural and semisynthetic compounds in cancer therapy2013-827T
Development and testing of innovative catalytic beds for hydrogen peroxide decomposition in space propulsive applications2013-1474T
Development of a liver gene therapy strategy for haemophilia B with lentiviral vectors2013-849T
Development of an atomic frequency standard in the optical domain based on ultracold ytterbium atoms2013-1247T
Development of closure relationships for advanced two-phase flow analysis2013-1355T
Development of derivatives of natural polyphenols for pharmacological applications2013-819T
Development of hERG1-targeted nanoparticles for a novel theranostic strategy in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma2013-909T
Development of innovative nanostructured systems for the cleaning of works of art2013-1455T
Development of LIBS methodology in the field of cultural heritage2013-1461T
Development of measurement methodologies in metrology for cell biology and regenerative medicine2013-1130T
Development of peptidomimetics for the treatment of infectious diseases2013-517T
Development of polymer matrix composites for sensing applications2013-1150T
Development of promising antimalarials based on the 4-aminoquinoline scaffold2013-518T
Development of reference method for the absolute measuring of fluorescence in biological analysis2013-1134T
Development of some antimicrobial food packaging films and coatings2013-1610T
Developmental and individual differences in the ratio-bias phenomenon with and without time pressure2013-56T
Developments of multidimensional SAR imaging for the analysis of layover, volumetric and dynamic scenarios2013-1310T
Diagnostica e monitoraggio del degrado dei manufatti ceramici di valore storico-artistico2013-1459T
Diagnostics of machines and structures2013-1373T
I Dialoghi di Torquato Tasso2013-1743T
Il diario personale dei bambini al nido d’infanzia2013-334T
Differential usage of regulatory elements in human neural differentiation2013-636T
Digital philosophy2013-41T
Digital processing of the echo received by an Over The Horizon (OTHR) Sky-Wave (SW) radar system for geo-referencing of radar footprint through the identification of sea/land transition2013-1348T
La dimensione dialettica dell’esperienza giuridica nel pensiero di Alessandro Giuliani2013-239T
Le dimensioni dell’abitare2013-1694T
Dinamiche della flora e vegetazione spontanea della coltura di mais in relazione ai fenomeni di abbandono dell’attività agricola e di urbanizzazione a scala di paesaggio2013-1496T
Dipendenza, indipendenza, interdipendenza2013-151T
Dire altrimenti2013-38T
Direct activation of endogenous calcineurin A2013-622T
Direct measurement of ultrasonic activity on microbial metabolism and analysis of related uncertainty2013-1131T
Diritti culturali e reati culturali alla luce dei principi costituzionali2013-276T
I diritti sociali in Georges Gurvitch2013-219T
Diritto all’acqua e Statuto della risorsa idrica2013-253T
Il diritto degli sradicati2013-304T
La disciplina delle operazioni di appello al pubblico2013-258T
Disclose river morphodynamics processes through experiments2013-1445T
Disease management programmes for heart failure in Emilia Romagna2013-787T
Disease modifying approach to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (section 1); Self-assembling biomimetic materials (section 2)2013-793T
Disfunzione della riparazione del danno endoteliale e disfunzione erettile2013-866T
Disfunzione microvascolare in pazienti obesi con basso framingham risk score e coronarie indenni2013-965T
Disporre lo sguardo2013-1647T
Dispositivi biomedicali innovativi2013-925T
Dispositivi medici2013-788T
Dissection of cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying B-cell and platelet defects in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome before and after gene therapy2013-961T
Dissociation and geminate recombination of CO in truncated hemoglobins probed by ultrafast infrared spectroscopy2013-503T
Distinctive innate immune signatures at injection site boost the adaptive response to flu subunit vaccine2013-850T
Distribuited software router management2013-1317T
Distributed optimization and data recovery for wireless networking2013-1330T
Distributed resource allocations schemes for advanced OFDMA networks2013-1308T
Distribution of mercury and other trace elements in the Mt. Amiata Region (Southern Tuscany, Italy)2013-1394T
Disturbo dell’adattamento in ambito professionale2013-1045T
Dithiolene and thiolate transition metal complexes2013-521T
Diversità genotipica e fenotipica di ceppi di Saccharomyces cerevisae dominanti la fermentazione vinaria spontanea2013-657T
Diversity-oriented synthesis of peptidomimetic and natural-product like scaffolds2013-536T
Il divieto di avvicinamento ai luoghi frequentati dalla persona offesa2013-269T
Il divismo maschile nel cinema muto italiano2013-1715T
DNA (Hydroxy)-methylation role in FSHD muscular dystrophy2013-625T
Il documentario in prima persona2013-1716T
Does disease treatment influence bone mineral density in children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease?2013-1122T
Does the ending matter?2013-46T
Domanda e offerta di formazione nei luoghi di lavoro2013-322T
Donne alla prova della cittadinanza nell’Algeria coloniale e della prima indipendenza2013-1721T
La dotta penna al pennel dotto pari2013-1640T
La dottrina del Verbum mentis in Tommaso D’Aquino e le polemiche francescane del 13. secolo2013-84T
The drosophila circadian clock going wild2013-647T
Drosophila Marf is the evolutionary ancestor of mammalian MFN22013-867T
Drosophila melanogaster as a model to study mitochondrial diseases2013-646T
Drug design, synthesis and biological evaluation of 3-substituted-1,5-diaryl-2-alkylpyrroles as new selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors and nitric oxide donors endowed with anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative activity2013-801T
Dynamic analysis of vehicle systems2013-1470T
Dynamic NMR analysis of late transition metals tetraphosphorus complexes2013-524T